Turducken Stuffed with Seafood Dressing

Turducken Stuffed with Onions

A deboned turkey stuffed with a deboned chicken and a duck breast stuffed with onion and seasoned with The Best Stop Seasoning. Cooking Instructions:Bake at 375 degrees for 3 hours covered and 1 hour uncovered or until the internal temperature reaches above 165...
Turducken Stuffed with Seafood Dressing

Turducken Stuffed with Boudin

A deboned turkey stuffed with a deboned chicken and a duck breast stuffed with The Best Stop boudin and seasoned with The Best Stop Seasoning.  
Traditional to Turducken: Hot Takes on Turkey

Traditional to Turducken: Hot Takes on Turkey

Hello, fellow food enthusiasts! While Cajun Country is celebrated for its iconic and uncommon dishes such as crawfish and boudin, there exists a treasure trove of lesser-known delicacies that often fly under the radar. At The Best Stop Supermarket, not only do we stay...

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